Grief that Breaks Us Open to Be Present with Peter Jabin
Published on
November 21, 2023

Grief that Breaks Us Open to Be Present with Peter Jabin

Hosted by 
Tyson Conner

In this episode, Tyson Conner speaks with Peter Jabin, a pastoral psychotherapist and spiritual director, about the importance of grief and communal grieving practices. They discussed how grief is a natural and necessary part of being human, and how ritual and community can help us metabolize loss in a healthy way.

Peter explained the concept of the "five gates" of grief, outlining different pathways into the grieving process beyond just the loss of a loved one. They talked about how grieving builds resilience and connection, countering the common notion that it is a sign of weakness. Peter also shared about the communal grieving rituals he facilitates, inspired by traditions from Burkina Faso, and how they create a "sudden village" to process grief in a spiritual context.

This conversation explores how fully engaging with grief through community and ritual can lead to healing and wholeness, even in the midst of cataclysmic changes in society and the environment. It is an invitation to bear witness to loss and honor what we love through the transformative power of grief.

Peter Jabin is a Pastoral Psychotherapist, Spiritual Director, and Grief Mentor based in Seattle.

Peter can be found at his website . His linktree for grief retreats can be found here: .

Further Learning:

Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, by Francis Weller

The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise, by Martín Prechtel